High Quality Construction Supplements

Quality engineering support is very important for the construction of any level of complexity

High Quality Engineering

Extensive experience in civil engineering & best world materials guarantee high quality of our work.

Quick Responses

Our leading specialists and engineers are always online and quickly answer any questions

Engeneer Consulting

Our Chief Engineer, Bülent Doğan, personally answer all your questions about the construction project

High Quality Materials

Supplyment for the right building and construction materials for your project

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Donec tristique

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Vestibulum gravida


Malesuada Fames


Vitae Convallis


Vestibulum vitae Tellus

Best construction materials for your project

We help to choose best materials for a project requires considerations of aesthetic appeal and initial and ongoing costs, life cycle assessment considerations (such as material performance, availability and impact on the environment) and the ability to reuse, recycle or dispose of the material at the end of its life.

Aliquam eget

Magnis Dis Parturient

Among Our Objects

Cras Eros Elit

Objects in Turkey

A lot of objects in Turkey gallery.

    Sky Towers in Moscow

    The first of two giant new Moscow towers to be completed in 2015. They were built with rebar couplers technology.

      Kosifler Business Center

      Toplam Insaat Alani 57.271 m2
      Otopark 17.500 m2
      Ofis 16.289 m2
      Çok Amaçli Salon 1259 m2
      Restoran 2700 m2
      Showroom ve Servis Alani 18.000 m2
